Concepts of time vary by culture. This can create cross cultural conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace. American managers who work with employees from polychronic cultures should be aware of these differences and apply techniques for encouraging monochronic awareness.

How can American managers who are working with polychronic employees encourage a more time conscious work environment?

1.  Discuss in the hiring process. If you are hiring people from polychronic cultures, it is helpful to clearly define tasks and duties as well as standards about schedules, punctuality, deadlines and consequences for not meeting these standards.

2. Be seen. Lead by example. Let employees watch you work to see your pace and use of time.  Be punctual yourself . Keep to planned schedules and deadlines.  Be sure to arrive on time and prepared for meetings.  Make unscheduled visits to see how time is being used.

3.  Build relationships.  Polychronic cultures are also relationship oriented. Take the time to build relationships so workers will feel personally obligated to meet deadlines and schedules. Let them know how it negatively affects the team when they aren’t punctual.  A personal commitment to team success is excellent motivation. Praise team members when projects and tasks are completed on time.

4.  Set Dates and Targets – Be very clear about what specific deliverables are required on what specific date and/or times.   Give plenty of lead time. .Some workers may not have a clear idea of what is required of them and, for cultural reasons, not ask for clarification or question their superior. Make the dates and targets for each member clear to the entire team to get buy in from all members and to strengthen team cohesion.

5.  Address the team. Saving face and group acceptance are central to polychronic cultures. If deadlines and schedules aren’t met, address the entire team as an issue that affects them all. Have the team identify the reason for missed deadline and ways to avoid it in the future. Praising an employee by name as standing out from the group can be undesirable or embarrassing.